Dries Hoornaert


All the pictures taken with my smartphone from 2011 - 2022 have been processed by the computer in black and white miniatures and put together in one image.

It represents the impossibility of storing memories. The black and white miniature shows a shape of the past while at the same time revealing the impossibility of showing the past [in its restricted form].

Building an archive means holding onto the past, but to let go of the past, I reintroduce all these images from my personal archive in these mosaics, and print them to serve as a baselayer for paintings. The present moment is then painted onto the past in quick observations or musings, to show the never ending back and forth movement in life of holding onto and letting go, and the attempt of creating an equilibrium in this dynamic.

It's possible to order your own memory strip, with or without painting. Contact me if you're interested. Every memory strip requires a custom approach tailored to the individual.
